
Libraries, schools, museums, nature centers, or right in your home! We provide engaging and fun educational programs utilizing live animals, microscopic demonstrations, and hundreds of native New England insects on display.

Pop-Up Museums

We’ll come set up a table or two at your event with live & preserved insect displays, microscope setups, natural history art, hands-on activities and more!

Pop-Up School Visits

From Pre-school to College, public school or homeschool, in-person or Skype/Zoom, every program is completely customized for you.

Guided Nature Experiences

New England is a region full of diverse landscapes and opportunities to find all sorts of insects.  Rivers, forests, bogs, lakes, mountains…. we have it all, and there are specialist insects in all of them.  So let’s go for a stroll and see what we can find!

Insect Lightings

Using a special Mercury Vapor light and a supplemental blacklight, we come set up a sheet to attract hundreds or thousands of insects in your area, from moths to giant aquatic beetles, if it lives in your area, we’ll see it at the light.

Research Assistance 

Need an extra hand in the field or lab?  We do that too!  We have plenty of experience in field data collection, photography, trapping, databasing, and specimen management.